Do Yous Know How To Collaborate?

by Annette Sophie Bösmeier

Nowadays, academic success is hardly imaginable without beingness purpose of enquiry collaborations. However, nosotros equally early-career researchers may non live fully aware of the significance, the benefits or the potential challenges of collaborative move when getting started amongst our doctoral program. Recently, I had the chance to experience both the fruitful in addition to the to a greater extent than challenging aspects of collaboration myself, in addition to I would directly similar to part this experience in addition to lessons learned amongst you.

A guide for early-career researchers  

In July 2019 I had the fantastic run a peril to encounter to a greater extent than than 50 other PhD students from all over the world. We were brought together past times a summertime schoolhouse organized past times LERU (League of European Research Universities) in addition to hosted past times the University of Edinburgh. The theme of the week-long summertime school, Building Research Capacity in addition to a Collaborative Global Community, specifically focused on integrating international, interdisciplinary in addition to intersectoral (i.e. working together amongst representatives from the government, NGOs, manufacture or amongst the public, for instance) research. During summertime school, nosotros worked together co-authoring a guide on collaboration inward academia, which is intended for early-career researchers. This guide was created based on several presentations of experts in addition to beau doctoral researchers, our ain experiences, interviews nosotros conducted amongst senior researchers and, higher upwards all, intense grouping move throughout the week. 

Cover of our guide (left side) in addition to some of our overstep tips for starting collaboration (right side) [1]  

We found that visibility inward the scientific community in addition to openness equally good equally a wise choice of projection partners are a goodness lay down to start collaboration. Moreover, many difficulties tin give the axe live prevented when a articulation vision in addition to mutual linguistic communication is established from the start, in addition to when roles in addition to responsibilities are clearly defined. Besides these pieces of advice, our guide contains the primary points nosotros receive got spotted regarding the motivations in addition to strategies for starting collaboration, goodness practices in addition to crucial success factors. We also included the fundamental insights from our interviews equally good equally examples for typical challenges in addition to how to overcome them. A department on full general back upwards in addition to to a greater extent than of our ‘top tips’ consummate our guide in addition to acquire inward a clear in addition to slow to sympathise information tool on enquiry collaboration. So, receive got a quick glance in addition to live inspired!   

Take opportunities

The numerous grouping industrial plant nosotros had during summertime schoolhouse showed me how much fun working together in addition to engaging amongst others directly in addition to and so tin give the axe be, inward comparing to constantly studying on your own. Working together real intensely amongst beau PhD students of dissimilar fields of enquiry also made me realize i time again how many dissimilar perspectives on a specific theme or dissimilar approaches to employment solving exist. It was amazing to reckon how such a setting tin give the axe get creativity. Besides expanding my ain horizon, this experience also motivated me to self-reflect, for lawsuit on how I approach others in addition to what does or does non move to ‘sell’ my ain opinion. 

In my view, such opportunities, which allow us to larn in addition to exercise collaboration inward a playful way, are real valuable. These experiences aid us to live to a greater extent than confident inward hereafter activities in addition to also give us the run a peril to brand novel contacts which mightiness laid upwards novel collaborative projects. 

Be committed, but critical

Despite my positive experiences during dissimilar collaborative projects, many questions – mainly regarding communication inward collaboration – receive got remained opened upwards in addition to are silent bouncing roughly inward my head, pushing me to part some to a greater extent than thoughts amongst you: I experience that i of the most of import things I learned is that nosotros silent receive got to live to a greater extent than aware of the procedure of working together. Rather than focussing on ‘hard’ success criteria only, nosotros should also recollect to a greater extent than nearly enhancing a friendly, cooperative atmosphere in addition to genuinely effective collaboration through positive squad dynamics. 

Clear communication inward a friendly, positive atmosphere contributes to genuinely effective cooperation [1]

Let me give an example: simply similar inward most of the ‘usual’ projection work, working on the guide during summertime schoolhouse meant for us to create a goodness outcome inside a express amount of time. For this destination nosotros oftentimes had to accomplish an understanding upon the specific issues in addition to their prioritization, which inward plough oftentimes meant next the bulk thought or the loudest in addition to most decisive voice. I felt that inward some instances this reduced the depth in addition to inventiveness of the ideas that move made it into our guide. As a result, the guide’s content provides a slap-up overview of the fundamental issues of collaboration inward academia on the i hand. However, on the other hand, the lack of fourth dimension in addition to occasionally also a lack of dedication to hear to each other real probable receive got blurred some interesting nuances. 

Scaling upwards to the enquiry projection level, I believe that creative ideas in addition to innovations are hampered past times miserable squad work. Everyone’s thought must receive got a run a peril to live heard in addition to recognized. Therefore, nosotros should cut back inequalities inward communication that may arise for lawsuit from hierarchical structures in addition to social or private factors. An initial mensuration may live to live aware of such inequalities inward the showtime place, in addition to and so address them if necessary, fifty-fifty if it makes things uncomfortable sometimes. There is no such matter equally a unmarried solution, nonetheless inward my experience goodness chairing of projection meetings in addition to plenty fourth dimension in addition to infinite for in-depth give-and-take is key! Moreover, nosotros likely all concur on the importance of ‘good communication’ inward collaboration – but such phrases may stay meaningless when no fourth dimension is spent on discussing the content. How do nosotros define goodness communication, in addition to how tin give the axe nosotros realize it? 

In summary, nosotros demand to consider how hard it may live to include the ideas of everyone in addition to how long it tin give the axe receive got to detect mutual lay down for effective work, non alone betwixt dissimilar disciplines but also betwixt dissimilar people. Apart from the plethora of benefits of collaborative work, I recollect it is also of import non to disregard its potential challenges. For our hereafter projects, may they live inward academia or not, nosotros clearly receive got to live experts inward our topics in addition to live goal-oriented. However, beingness open-minded in addition to able to hear in addition to larn from each other are also crucial skills nosotros need. I believe that tackling tricky problems is easier in addition to to a greater extent than fun when nosotros contribute to an inclusive in addition to positive working atmosphere. Thus, my personal overstep tips for you lot are to acquire out along your eyes opened upwards for slap-up opportunities, live approachable in addition to empathic, in addition to bask getting to know novel skills in addition to novel people. And don’t forget to part the enthusiasm nearly your enquiry amongst others!

Annette Sophie Bösmeier
Physical Geography, University of Freiburg, Germany

If you lot receive got questions or comments concerning Annette's post, delight leave of absence a comment below, or shipping her an email. You tin give the axe also follow her enquiry on ResearchGate.


[1] Boesmeier et al. (2019). Research Collaborations. A guide for early on career researchers past times early on career researchers. Edited past times Woollen, E; Shinton, S.; Thomas, S. Developed during the LERU summertime schoolhouse inward July 2019, Edinburgh. 

The guide is licensed nether a CC BY 4.0 license. You tin give the axe detect in addition to download a pdf version of our guide on enquiry collaborations here.  

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