Phd In Addition To Parenthood: An Insider’S Story

by Nguyen Tan Thai Hung

A friend of mine who finished her PhD together with and then had a kid told me having a kid is similar doing a 2nd PhD. If she’s right, I had been doing 2 PhDs at the same fourth dimension for iii years, together with since January, I possess got been doing three.

My son, Max, was born 2 months earlier I started my PhD. After my terminal job, I was a full-time dad for a calendar month together with grew actually closed to him. Then I started school, the transition was tough. Switching from having a stiff schedule equally an engineer to having flexible fourth dimension equally a student, I faced the curse of flexibility: every solar daytime I had to brand a pick whether to go at abode together with survive or thence Max or to leave of absence to the role to survive to a greater extent than effective. And I dreaded making that choice. I wanted to pass to a greater extent than fourth dimension amongst Max, only I needed to a greater extent than fourth dimension for work. I idea close Max when working together with idea close go when parenting. I became severely stressed. We’ve heard close separation anxiety inward children, only I felt similar I was the i having it equally I said goodbye to Max inward the mornings.

Get help

Fortunately, my schoolhouse offers counselling services to students at no cost. I booked an appointment. Digging upwards my history, the counsellor unravelled my anxiety: I was non closed to my dad, together with I didn’t desire that to tumble out betwixt my boy together with me. I was overcompensating. I felt relieved after that session. I’m non my dad. I wasn’t happy when my mom told me that he had to quit his PhD when I was a baby, together with I wouldn’t desire Max to recollect that he’s the argue for my struggles. I desire him to survive proud of me. And in that place are many ways for us to bond too spending fourth dimension during the workday. So, I made a change.


I started working most days at schoolhouse together with and then focusing on parenting inward the evening: changing Max’s diaper, giving him a bath, feeding him, reading to him, together with singing him to sleep. At home, I tin go or thence his nap time. I possess got the flexibility, only I don’t possess got to utilization it all the time. Flexibility comes inward equally necessary: when Max is sick, it’s easier for me to select him to the doc because I don’t possess got to accept leaves similar my married adult woman does. Later, when he started going to day-care, I got to survive “the transporter”. And because I don’t possess got a fixed fourth dimension to exhibit upwards inward the office, I could accept my fourth dimension having breakfast amongst Max, getting him ready, together with relish a bike ride together field showing him all the fun things on the streets. I don’t possess got to rush him every morn similar many families do. To survive honest, it took me 2 years to brand peace amongst that; at first, I would frequently await at the clock together with recollect “It’s already ix together with I’m non leaving the solid yet!” But straight off I’m calm together with relish the mornings—as Max grows older the mornings possess got leave of absence much to a greater extent than fun too. Also, I institute a means to brand upwards time: I straight off start my days at or thence v AM together with possess got a adept 2 to iii solitary working hours earlier parenting duties kicking in.

Bike time: to schoolhouse together with beyond

Do it all over again

After iii years, everything seemed to survive inward order. And together with then my daughter, Dawn, was born, together with I had to start over again. But this fourth dimension I had to a greater extent than experience. So, although I yet human face upwards the flexibility dilemma, I endeavor non to regret my decisions. I’ve learned to survive mentally prepared for interruptions when working at home, together with to non experience guilty when working at school. I possess got less fourth dimension amongst Dawn than I used to amongst Max, only I know that we’ll possess got lots of fun equally she grows, together with I long for that solar daytime yesteryear day.

Three years apart, same routine—left: nap fourth dimension is coding time, amongst Max; right: nap fourth dimension is newspaper time, amongst Dawn. But I was much to a greater extent than tense before, fifty-fifty when taking a selfie.

Support system

I would survive missing a big constituent of the storey if I didn’t say yous close my back upwards system; to create a PhD yous demand a adept one, together with fifty-fifty to a greater extent than thence amongst 2 kids. My married adult woman is the strongest back upwards of all, correct from the minute I told her I wanted to quit my project for a PhD. She believes inward me. She has e'er been in that place to laissez passer on me an emotional boost when I’m stressed (for a PhD educatee that’s rather frequent). She reads close PhD life to empathize what I’m going through. My travels set a burden on her, only she e'er encourages me to go.

I count on my parents together with parents-in-law equally well. They accept turns to come upwards over whenever I’m away for conferences or workshops—this is a big bargain equally they alive inward dissimilar countries. Most especially, my mom-in-law came to rest amongst us for a twelvemonth to aid us amongst Max, together with shortly she volition come upwards for some other twelvemonth to aid us amongst Dawn.

At school, I possess got an advisor who is supportive together with understanding, together with a grouping of we-are-in-this-together friends. They are also students who are parents, cheers to whom I experience I’m non alone. Max cruel from bed early i morning, that solar daytime I was a lost mortal at school. A friend came over to banking concern stand upwards for inward on me. He told me that both his children cruel off the bed when they were small, together with that all children autumn no affair how difficult yous endeavor to protect them, thence yous can’t proceed blaming yourself for it. That was comforting.

But the most surprising support, which I didn’t realize at first, came from my children. They aid me switch off from work, laissez passer on me my daily dose of laughter, together with brand my life meaningful. In fact, they aid me proceed my sanity. 

Weekend trips to the parks aid me to recover together with survive ready for the side yesteryear side deadline

There were times when I felt hopeless, only looking back, I recollect existence a nurture field doing a PhD is a approbation inward disguise. Being a educatee helps my parenting, together with existence a nurture helps my student-ing. Besides this symbiosis, it is also of import to attempt professional person aid when needed (I would likely possess got leave of absence depressed had I not), together with having a adept back upwards arrangement of identify unit of measurement together with friends is crucial. I promise my storey resonates amongst other student-parents out there. We’re non alone, nosotros volition acquire inward through. And who knows, possibly years after we’ll await dorsum together with realize that this is the best fourth dimension of our lives.

Nguyen Tan Thai Hung
PhD student, Singapore University of Technology together with Design, Singapore

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