The 8.2 Ka Number Seen From The Southward

by Ignacio A. Jara

During my commons surfing on the cyberspace catching upward amongst novel scientific discipline content, I stumbled upon a really exciting article published exactly a few weeks agone inward the periodical Nature Scientific Reports [1]. In this recent publication, a climate cooling that occurred virtually 8,200 years agone was clearly identified inward a pollen tape from South Korea. This particular cooling [SPOILER ALERT] has largely been recognized inward many other areas of the Northern Hemisphere. The article presented the commencement bear witness for its occurrence inward coastal East Asia. As a trained palynologist amongst involvement inward paleoclimatology I accept ever been fascinated yesteryear these kinds of studies. Nonetheless, I was as intrigued yesteryear the fact that, as far as I know, in that location is non much bear witness for such a cooling lawsuit inward the Southern Hemisphere.

Fig. 1: Things powerfulness hold off quite unlike from the south.
“América Invertida” by Joaquín Torres Garcías (1943)

The master copy thought of writing this post was to part some outlooks virtually Quaternary Sciences from hither inward the Southern Hemisphere, something I did a few years agone during my PhD times inward New Zealand (you tin read my early on weblog entries here). Thus, to present you lot guys how things hold off from hither inward the south, I thought it would hold out a practiced thought to perform a uncomplicated (and healthy) exercise of wiggle-matching to explore the southern appear of something that should hold out mutual to many of you lot inward the north: the cooling lawsuit that occurred to a greater extent than or less 8,200 years ago.

The 8.2 ka what?

If you lot accept no thought what this “event” is, produce non panic, I volition start amongst a brief explanation. This particular interval occurred virtually 8,200 years agone (hereafter I volition but telephone telephone it the 8.2 ka event) too is - after the ongoing global warming nosotros are facing correct at 1 time - the most rapid too intense climatic modify that has happened inward the final 10,000 years. This precipitous cooling lawsuit was initially recognized inward H2O ice pith records from Greenland as a abrupt driblet inward temperatures of 3-5°C that extended for virtually 160 years [2]. It has also been observed inward a keen issue of terrestrial too marine records across the Northern Hemisphere as a full general cooling of 1-3°C too considerable drying, amongst associated environmental changes too impacts over early on agricultural societies inward the Middle East [3]. The causes of the 8.2 ka lawsuit seem to hold out clearer now, as it has been linked to a massive discharge of ice-dammed lakes into the North Atlantic Ocean [4]. This freshwater release slowed downwards the functioning of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, a large organization of currents that transports warm waters from the torrid zone to the North Atlantic too later on releases oestrus into the atmosphere. Thus, the slowdown of this carry organization 8,200 years agone resulted inward an overall cooling of the atmosphere inward a keen operate of the northern side of our planet.

Ok, but what virtually the Southern Hemisphere?

While the Asian too African monsoons northward of the equator weakened inward answer to a full general cooler atmosphere, monsoonal activeness inward the Southern Hemisphere seemed to accept been invigorated during the 8.2 ka lawsuit [5] (Fig. 2). This contrary answer is consistent amongst a southward motility of tropical rains associated amongst the monsoon organization [1], which powerfulness seem similar a overnice too laid upward clean lawsuit of the pop bipolar seesaw hypothesis - the premise that 1 hemisphere heats upward spell the other chills too vice versa. However, a to a greater extent than detailed hold off reveals that a comparable answer to the rapid 8.2 ka lawsuit is constitute neither inward terrestrial reconstructions from the S torrid zone nor inward Antarctic H2O ice records. While the Vostok H2O ice pith is perchance the solely exception showing a warming pulse during this interval, the magnitude of this warming is minimal inward comparing amongst the cooling observed inward the northward [6].

Accordingly, spell changes inward the tropical monsoons tin hold out observed inward both hemispheres, the impacts of the 8.2 ka lawsuit are to a greater extent than or less muted inward temperature records farther south. In other words, what should accept been several decades of freezing weather condition inward Canada, Republic of Ireland too fifty-fifty coastal Eastern Asia did non run across comparable warming weather condition inward places similar Tasmania, Patagonia or Antarctica, as the bipolar seesaw hypothesis would suggest. However, spell temperature responses don’t seem to follow the hemispheric bipolar seesaw during the 8.2 ka event, other climate responses likely occurred inward the Southern Hemisphere. Evidence is emerging showing precipitous drying during the 8.2 ka lawsuit inward South Africa inward association amongst atmospheric teleconnections (rather than amongst oceanic controls, which are thought to hold out the driving forcefulness behind the bipolar seesaw) [7].

Fig. 2: A niggling fleck of wiggle matching. The 8.2 ka lawsuit (blue column inward the figure) from temperature records to a greater extent than or less the world. δ18O records from GISP2 H2O ice pith inward Greenland [8],  Dongge Cave DA inward Red People's Republic of China [5], Pedro Cave inward Brazil [5], too temperatures estimated from deuterium (δD) information inward the Antarctic EPICA Dome C Ice Core [9]. All δ18O values are expressed as per mil values relative to the VPDB standard, whereas δD values are expressed as per mil relative to the SMOW measure (see reference for to a greater extent than detail). Additionally, an ikon of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation including the location of all sites. All information is freely available at the National Centers for Environmental Information repository

The message

There may hold out many unlike climate responses to the 8.2 ka events on the southern side of our planet. Indeed, in that location is a relatively depression issue of paleorecords inward the Southern Hemisphere too hence novel exciting responses may surely emerge sooner rather than later. In fact, some really interesting paleoclimate enquiry inward recent years has aimed to evaluate the expressions of climate anomalies inward the southern latitudes that were originally described inward the Northern Hemisphere [10]; I volition proceed you lot guys posted.

What is clear is that the 8.2 ka lawsuit is a keen lawsuit of a well-understood menstruum of widespread climate perturbation that offers the possibility to study the responses of the planet as a whole. Furthermore, studying the Earth's responses to this particular lawsuit powerfulness hold out specially relevant as bear witness is at 1 time available that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation may weaken inward the time to come nether anthropogenic greenhouse gas forcing [11]. Here I tried to present you, yesteryear adding a Southern Hemisphere perspective, that the spatial extent of this precipitous lawsuit was to a greater extent than various too complex than many of us powerfulness think. What happens on 1 side of the planet does non necessarily occur inward the same agency on the other. These differences may hold out relevant when taking into draw organization human relationship the ongoing climate lawsuit caused yesteryear human touching on on the planet.

Ignacio A. Jara
CEAZA Scientific Centre, Chile

About myself

I am Ignacio Jara, a palynologist working inward Paleoclimate too Archaeology enquiry who is currently working inward northern Chile. I am novel to the PAGES early-career community, too accept latterly been appointed as 1 of the regional representatives for South America inside the PAGES ECN. I won’t prevarication guys: This is an exciting opportunity for me too beingness able to post hither is fifty-fifty more!

If you lot accept questions or comments concerning Ignacio's post, delight teach out a comment below, or send him an email. You tin also connect amongst him on Twitter.


[1] Park, J., Park, J., Yi, S., Kim, J.C., Lee, E. too Jin, Q., 2018. The 8.2 ka cooling lawsuit inward coastal East Asia: High-resolution pollen bear witness from southwestern Korea. Scientific reports, 8(1), p.12423.
[2] Thomas, E.R., Wolff, E.W., Mulvaney, R., Steffensen, J.P., Johnsen, S.J., Arrowsmith, C., White, J.W.C., Vaughn, B., Popp, T., 2007. The 8.2 ka lawsuit from Greenland H2O ice cores. Quaternary Science Reviews 26, 70-81.
[3] van der Plicht, J., Akkermans, P.M.M.G., Nieuwenhuyse, O., Kaneda, A., Russell, A., 2011. Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria: radiocarbon chronology, cultural change, too the 8.2 ka event. Radiocarbon 53, 229-243.
[4] Alley, R.B. too Ágústsdóttir, A.M., 2005. The 8k event: crusade too consequences of a major Holocene precipitous climate change. Quaternary Science Reviews, 24(10-11), pp.1123-1149.
[5] Cheng, H., Fleitmann, D., Edwards, R.L., Wang, X., Cruz, F.W., Auler, A.S., Mangini, A., Wang, Y., Kong, X., Burns, S.J. too Matter, A., 2009. Timing too construction of the 8.2 kyr BP lawsuit inferred from δ18O records of stalagmites from China, Oman, too Brazil. Geology, 37(11), pp.1007-1010.
[6] Wiersma, A.P. too Renssen, H., 2006. Model–data comparing for the 8.2 ka BP event: confirmation of a forcing machinery yesteryear catastrophic drainage of Laurentide Lakes. Quaternary Science Reviews, 25(1-2), pp.63-88.
[7] Chase, B.M., Boom, A., Carr, A.S., Carré, M., Chevalier, M., Meadows, M.E., Pedro, J.B., Stager, J.C. too Reimer, P.J., 2015. Evolving southwest African answer to precipitous deglacial North Atlantic climate modify events. Quaternary Science Reviews, 121, pp.132-136.
[8] Stuiver, M., Grootes, P.M. too Braziunas, T.F., 1995. The GISP2 δ18O climate tape of the yesteryear 16,500 years too the operate of the sun, ocean, too volcanoes. Quaternary Research, 44(3), pp.341-354.
[9] Jouzel, J., Masson-Delmotte, V., Cattani, O., Dreyfus, G., Falourd, S., Hoffmann, G., Minster, B., Nouet, J., Barnola, J., Chappellaz, J. too Fischer, H., 2007. EPICA Dome C H2O ice pith 800KYr deuterium information too temperature estimates. IGBP PAGES/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology information contribution series, 91, p.2007.
[10] Moreno, P.I., Vilanova, I., Villa-Martínez, R., Garreaud, R.D., Rojas, M. too De Pol-Holz, R., 2014. Southern Annular Mode-like changes inward southwestern Patagonia at centennial timescales over the final 3 millennia. Nature communications, 5, p.4375.
[11] Fichefet, T., Poncin, C., Goosse, H., Huybrechts, P., Janssens, I. too Le Treut, H., 2003. Implications of changes inward freshwater flux from the Greenland H2O ice canvas for the climate of the 21st century. Geophysical Research Letters, 30(17).

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